Candle Magick Class

Why and How to Practice Candle Magic Candle magic harnesses the power of fire—the element of transformation—to bring change. Think for a moment about how fire transforms things. It melts wax. It renders many organic materials (leaves, wood, flesh and bone) to ash. It softens hard metals and makes them malleable for forging. It can […]

Compass Rose Tarot Spread

The Compass Rose Tarot Spread is specifically designed to provide clear guidance when you find yourself feeling disoriented, lost, or unsure about the path ahead. Just like a compass rose helps navigate the seas, this spread offers turn-by-turn directions to help you find your way and set course towards your best future with ease. When […]

Acceptance with Boundaries

Nurturing a Stronger Relationship Foundation In the intricate dance of love and partnership, acceptance stands as a beacon of strength, illuminating the path towards deeper connection and mutual understanding. Much like the sacred vows exchanged in a wedding ceremony, the practice of acceptance forms the bedrock of a resilient relationship foundation. However, it’s crucial to […]

Your Week Ahead Forecast May 13-19

Hello Dear Ones, Creating stability amidst flux involves nurturing supportive routines, connections, and practices that ground us in the present moment. This might entail leaning on the pillars of self-care, such as mindfulness, exercise, and healthy relationships, to cultivate a sense of balance and well-being. Additionally, fostering a mindset of adaptability and growth can empower […]

Your Astrological Forecast May 12-18

Hello Dear Ones, Not overthinking is like finding that sweet spot between being thoughtful and decisive. It’s about not getting stuck in endless loops of what-ifs or past regrets, but rather embracing the moment with a positive outlook. By staying present and focused, we can tackle challenges with a clear head and a can-do attitude, […]

Your Week Ahead Forecast May 6-12

Hello Dear Ones, Seeking guidance in our lives is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our courage and humility. In an era marked by unprecedented change and uncertainty, it is natural to feel overwhelmed or lost at times. Yet, by humbly acknowledging our limitations and embracing the wisdom of others, we empower […]

Your Astrological Forecast for May 5-11

Hello Dear Ones, Whether your dream is to start your own business, travel the world, or make a difference in your community, the pursuit of your dreams is a testament to your belief in the power of possibility. However, chasing your dreams isn’t just about the destination; it’s about the journey itself. It’s about the […]

Your Week Ahead Forecast April 29-May 5

Hello Dear Ones, Impulsivity can act as a catalyst for creativity and innovation, fostering unconventional thinking and bold experimentation. By sidestepping the paralysis of analysis, impulsive individuals often stumble upon fresh solutions to challenges, unshackled by conventional wisdom. This readiness to take risks and explore uncharted territories can lead to breakthroughs across various domains, from […]

Your Astrological Forecast for April 28-May 4

Hello Dear Ones, Many of us grapple with the fear that drives us to socially isolate. Whether rooted in past experiences, societal pressures, or personal insecurities, this fear can erect barriers that hinder meaningful connections and limit our potential for growth. It’s essential to recognize that while stepping out of our comfort zones may feel […]

Your May 2024 Tarotscope

Hello Dear One, Your monthly Tarotscope is just a snapshot of your life. Schedule a reading with Aeson Knight today and he will be happy to take a deeper look into your questions and worries! Have a blessed month, Aeson’s Schedule: Please Note: All times listed below are Eastern Standard Time. Thursday: 12:00 AM – 5:00 […]